Wow! Has it really been that long since I have updated this blog?!! Yikes! Well, it has been a very busy 6 months for me, but I guess that is no excuse. I just want to say thanks to Dr. Jan for reminding me that I need to continue to blog!! ;-) Anyway, here's a bit about what I have been up to these days.
In June, I completed a class called Building Academic Vocabulary. It was great and I really learned a lot from the course. The course drove me to reflect upon my previous educational experiences. In doing so, I realized that one of the primary reasons that I struggled so much in math was because I had no idea what the vocabulary really meant. I could recite the formal definition of area, but didn't truly understand the concept. How often do we as educators just assume that our students know what we are talking about? Anyway, I now understand the importance of teaching vocabulary directly.
I am currently gearing up for a very busy semester. This Fall I am taking Educational Research. After months and months of contemplating my topic I think I have finally decided to research how to improve reading achievement in the deaf. Statistics show that most deaf students graduate from high school with a fourth grade reading level. I want to know how to improve this statistic.